Get in Touch
If you have any questions about Changing Lives and the work we do, please get in touch using the links below.
Call us
You can contact our central office for general enquiries or administrative questions.
Email us
Our support team are on hand to answer your questions over email.
Press office
Our Press Office is where our latest press releases, research and reports can be found, along with details of how to submit a journalist request.
Make a General Enquiry
Make a Complaint

Find us
Changing Lives Central Office,
H26 The Avenues, Eleventh Avenue North,
Team Valley, Gateshead
NE11 0NJ

Email us
Our central office team are here to help with your email enquiries.
General Enquiry Form
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Make A Complaint
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Press office
We work closely with journalists who want to shine a light on the challenges facing people who use our services. We know the power of the media to highlight systemic injustices, and also to share good news and the power of positivity. Our Press Office is where our latest press releases, research and reports can be found, along with details of how to submit a journalist request.