Changing Lives Join 75 ...

Changing Lives Join 75 Organisations to Call for Homelessness Support in Homeless Link Open Letter

October 2024

1 Min Read

Changing Lives has signed an open letter coordinated by Homeless Link to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Rachel Reeves ahead of the upcoming Autumn Budget.

The letter was signed by 76 homelessness and housing organisations from across the country, including Crisis, the National Housing Federation and YMCA England and Wales. It raises the alarm of the perilous funding cliff-edge facing homelessness services across the country, with almost £1bn due to leave the homelessness sector in April.

Together, the organisations call for the Chancellor to give the homelessness sector certainty in the upcoming Autumn Budget through a one-year rollover of existing homelessness funding into 2025/26, including an uplift inline with inflation.

They then call on the Government to launch a systematic, cross departmental review of all homelessness-related spending informing a commitment to develop and deliver a consolidated, ring-fenced homelessness funding system from 2026/27 onwards.

Read the open letter here.