Our Walker Clusters accommodation supports people with living and coping skills, helping people to transition into sustaining their own tenancies.
The team provide advice on paying bills, building good relationships and making tenants aware of their rights and responsibilities as a tenants. We work closely with external agencies such as the NHS, Newcastle Homes, Probation and HAC to support residents to settle into the community and make connections and acknowledge any barriers to healthcare.
Our team wanted to introduce themselves and talk about why they do the work they do.

Anne, our Project Lead:
I have dedicated nearly a decade to Changing Lives, beginning as a support worker and advancing to project lead. My commitment to Changing Lives goes beyond professional duty - it is a personal mission rooted in the belief that everyone, regardless of their circumstances deserve the opportunity to lead a happy and fulfilling life.

Lance, our Support Worker:
Hi I'm Lance, I have worked with Changing Lives for just over two years. I started with Changing Lives at a project in South Shields. This moved to Walker Clusters.

Gemma, our Support Worker:
I have been with Changing Lives for two years now. I began my career with male crisis accommodation before transitioning to Walker Clusters. My previous experience includes working with autistic children and those with challenging behaviours, providing me with extensive experience in supporting individuals with complex needs. In my current role, I help people live independently and develop the life skills necessary to thrive within the wider community.

Callum, our Support Worker:
For the past four years, I have been committed to Changing Lives, dedicating myself to enhance the lives of our residents by securing crucial funding when they need it most. Additionally, I bring a diverse set of skills to my work, ensuring I can contribute in many valuable ways.