Celebrating Paul and Sarah

Celebrating Paul and Sarah

September 2024

2 Min Read

Celebrating Paul and Sarah 🤵👰💞

Paul and Sarah were recently married in a beautiful ceremony in Newcastle alongside all of their loved ones. As part of their special day, they asked for their guests to forgo a wedding present and instead make a donation to Changing Lives to support people facing challenging circumstances. 💜

Paul told us a bit more about their generous decision:

"Sarah and I live in Newcastle. We got married at the biscuit factory on 13th July. 

"We feel very lucky to have the opportunity to spend money on having a lovely celebration, whilst we well know there are lots of people out there in our communities who have a very hard time day in day out."

We both work as social workers - Sarah with adults who have learning disabilities or complex autism or significant mental health difficulties, and I work with children in care. I think it was Sarah's idea to not request gifts/money, but instead request donations to Changing Lives. We also put forward Byker Food Bank and people donated there too.

Basically we agreed to do it because we feel very lucky to have the opportunity to spend money on having a lovely celebration, whilst we well know there are lots of people out there in our communities who have a very hard time day in day out.

We feel blessed enough to have the ability to have that kind of wedding, plus have our friends and family with us - We didn't need or want anything else.

Some of our guests have blown us away with how generous their donations have been. We're really pleased the money has gone to such good causes. We've both come across Changing Lives' work in the North East and I'm a regular giver already."

Paul, Sarah and their guests raised an unbelievable £1670 for our services. Their overwhelming support allows us to continue supporting people who may be at a crisis point in their lives to overcome challenges and move on positively.

Find out more about how you could support us through fundraising at your own celebration.

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