Organising your own quiz night
Quizzes are a great way to bring people of all ages and abilities together for a bit of healthy competition. Our team is here to support you with all the advice and tips you need to make your quiz night a success.
Preparation for your quiz night
Give yourself a few weeks to plan your quiz and when you are choosing a date, try to go for a date that doesn’t clash with any other major events or occasions. Our Fundraising Team is here to support you throughout your event.
Decide where and how to host your quiz night
Are you going to hold your quiz virtually or in person? If it’s safe to do it in person you want to hold your quiz at a venue such as a pub or community centre, make sure you book your venue as far in advance as possible. Charity rates may be available at some venues so don’t forget to ask and often pubs may give you the space for free if you can guarantee a minimum spend at the bar on the night. If you are doing a virtual quiz, think about which platform you will host it such as on Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp or Teams (if you are doing it at work).
Spreading the word
We suggest charging £5 per person to take part in the quiz but you can change this to a different amount or charge per team. You can choose how many people are invited to the quiz but the more the merrier as this will boost your fundraising total! If you are holding your quiz in person, make sure you don’t go over the venue capacity and make sure you follow current social distancing measures.
Think about asking your friends, family, and wider network to spread the word and gather teams. Advertise the quiz at your local groups, clubs, and pubs to get the word out even further. Advertise your quiz on social media and if you are running a virtual quiz, you can even make a Facebook event and invite people to join. It’s a good idea to read the questions and answers and make sure you understand them in advance. Double check your answers and be prepared to reference your sources if your answers get challenged at all during the quiz.
On the night
Think about refreshments. Could you include a drinks token in the price of the ticket? Some venues might allow you to bring your own food or snacks, so you could even charge a bit more per ticket to include food. Stress a ban on the use of mobile phones during rounds –whoever wins must win fair and square! Come well stocked so you don’t run out on the night. Identify the best spot in your venue for you or your quizmaster to ask the questions and give the answers. Know where the toilets are and where you can get extra chairs and tables if needed.
Once the quiz has ended and scores have been counted, you can announce the 3rd, 2nd and 1st place and award prizes (try to get these donated by local businesses if you can). At the end of the night, make sure you thank everyone for taking part and donating to Changing Lives. Let the participants know how much has been raised once you know. Once you send in the funds raised to Changing Lives, we will post you out a certificate which you can proudly display a the quiz venue or on your social media if you did the quiz virtually.
Sending your funds to us
You can send any funds you raise to the address below:
Central Office,
H26 The Avenues
11th Avenue North
Team Valley
NE11 0NJ
Please do not send cash in the post.
Alternatively you can send funds to us via bank transfer. Bank name: The Cyrenians Ltd. Sort Code: 20-60-03. Account Number: 90892084. Please put the reference as “Fundraising”.