North Yorkshire Horizons Recovery Service
Recovery and Wellbeing
Introduction to Service
North Yorkshire Horizons is an integrated substance misuse and alcohol recovery service, based across five locations within North Yorkshire. It is made up of community asset, treatment and clinical teams, which together provide an inclusive and thorough experience to people wishing to recover from, and be free from, drug and alcohol dependency.
We offer access to experienced and professional teams who work with individuals throughout their recovery journey and complement this work with a wide range of groups available to people at any stage of their journey. Our support is tailored to an individual’s needs and we aim to provide a presence and a service in even the most rural parts of North Yorkshire. We provide structured one-to-one support, structured group therapy, a health and wellbeing check (including health screenings, blood testing and vaccinations) and can also offer support to family members that wish to become involved in a person's recovery.
The community asset team focuses on people that have achieved their recovery goals and are looking for support to maintain these changes into the long term. We work with individuals for up to six months, focusing on the other aspects of a person's life outside of recovery such as employment, training, education and housing. We also encourage them to become an active part of their local Recovery Community and to remain proactive in their own personal recovery.
We offer a large range of county-wide digital support groups which allow peers to engage with and build meaningful and supportive recovery networks. We work closely with a team of local volunteers and peer mentors to offer visible recovery and additional support to clients that may require it.
How to access
Potential clients can self-refer via 01723 330 730 or by emailing
Referrals can be taken over the phone, drop-in in the hubs or via email or fax.
We welcome self-referrals or referrals from other professionals. Unfortunately, we do not accept referrals from family or friends.
How to contact
Please get in touch using the contact details below.

Call us
01723 330 730

Email us
Not eligible for this service?
Check out our service index below to find all of the services we currently offer which you can filter by location, service type and also by type of referral. Click "I am referring myself, a friend or a family member" to find services you can personally refer to.
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