Alex's Place (Formerly Bentinck Terrace)
Housing and Homelessness
Introduction to Service
Formerly known as Bentinck Terrace.
We offer accommodation to people who are a step further toward independent living or have developed some skills required in order to manage a tenancy.
People who use this service may have already had a temporary stay in a Changing Lives direct access or a supported accommodation project and would now benefit from being more independent in their own home. Staff will be available on-site to provide the additional support required in order to prepare for move on to independent living.
Key Information
We offer:
- 36 self-contained apartments
- 24-hour support to residents
- Support to access other services
- Support with alcohol and substance misuse
- Life skills sessions
How to access
Referrals are from Newcastle Housing Advice Centre.
Need help now?
If you are in immediate need of help, please contact Newcastle Housing Advice Centre on 0191 277 1711.
How to contact
For general enquiries, you can contact us using the details below.
Please note we are unable to accept direct referrals to Bentinck Terrace. Please contact Newcastle Housing Advice Centre for further information.

Call us
0191 2738714
Are you eligible?
Bentinck Terrace supports people aged 18 and over living in Newcastle.
Not eligible for this service?
Check out our service index below to find all of the services we currently offer which you can filter by location, service type and also by type of referral. Click "I am referring myself, a friend or a family member" to find services you can personally refer to.
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